Beware the stories in our heads

Stories. Marketing is all about stories, or at least narrative. When done well, we organize the truth into a meaningful and impactful narrative… when done without integrity – or we’re not in touch with our value – we don’t really start with the truth… and that’s when marketing gives itself a bad name. But today’s […]

Email marketing: phrasing is (almost) everything

No secret that we think email marketing remains powerful – in many cases, the best tool in the toolbox – for the investor demographic. Great insights into the impact wording and design can make.

Game of Thrones: Marketing vs Sales

These two forces have historically been aligned, but not without tensions. The link below is a pretty cute look at the lay of the land. One thing I’ve always noticed is that sales and marketing people also tend to exist along an extrovert/introvert scale: Sales folks tend to lead with relationship (selling themselves), where marketing […]

They paid too much attention to the fear du jour

A quote from Raymond James’ chief investment strategist, in review of the market swings of 2012:… Does your business benefit from client fears, or do better when they …

[Equity] Fund flows: dipping toes in the water…

Equity funds picked up to the tune of $5B last week, perhaps surfing 3 good weeks in the market, perhaps a bit of bond-ennui. On the other hand, maybe times just aren’t bad…

Apple: The share that matters

“iPhone vs Android market share” is boring. Because it misses the point. source: Citi/CNN When what you do is seen as a commodity, it’s hard not to end up in a ‘race to the bottom.’A great chart about the rewards of one of the best premium-brand-b…

Perceived value = real value

It’s an easy-enough concept to understand if you think about a Prada handbag: unless I can resell it on Craigslist, it has almost no value to me. I don’t care. But I have some friends who would pay an exorbitant amount for one. And most of them ha…

Mutual Funds that don’t suck

Psychology research shows us that for most people, the pain of losing a dollar is bigger than the joy of winning a dollar. Here’s an interesting article on how it’s easier to find funds that sustainably “don’t suck” vs finding sustainable “winners…