Tyler Cowen at TED X Mid-Atlantic: Be suspicious of storiesStories.

Marketing is all about stories, or at least narrative. When done well, we organize the truth into a meaningful and impactful narrative… when done without integrity – or we’re not in touch with our value – we don’t really start with the truth… and that’s when marketing gives itself a bad name.

But today’s post is about the stories we have about ourselves. Ironically, it’s the topic we know best: no one thinks about you as much as you do. But it’s also the topic we have the least chance of being objective about. So, here’s an old favourite for you today:

Tyler Cowen weaves an excellent cautionary TED Talk:

Has this got anything to do with investment marketing? Heck, yeah.
Being a portfolio manager/stock picker is a psychologically easy vocation? No, PMs both have to both believe and let-go of stories about the economy, the market, and individual securities, almost daily. But more importantly, when they’re in a rut, they need to be accountable and objective about why without developing stories about themselves. Can’t be easy. Makes me glad I’m only in marketing đŸ˜‰