Crowdsourcing has come to the investment world

I have to admit it, I’ve got a soft spot for First Asset’s newest ETF: the DEX 1-5 year Laddered Government Strip Bond ETF (ain’t that a mouthful). To be honest, I haven’t slightest interest in it from a financial point of view, but I’m fascinated by how it came to be: a public, crowdsourced […]

Can ETF flows serve as a weather vane?

The best advisors and fund companies try to read two distinct (and often contradictory) “winds,” judging where their investing business is going. The first is the technical side of investing, the one every financial news outlet spends every moment of every trading day dissecting. What sectors, stocks, instruments are heading towards outperformance? or underperformance? How […]

The Problem with Fee-for-Service Investment Advisors

Ok, there’s no problem with fee-for-service advisors. It’s kind of noble, a journeyman’s approach to the business. And it’s the right fit… for a minority of clients. The real issue is that there is a lot of talk about investment advisors, and whether the common reward structure – commissions, including trailing fees, offered at different […]