You is Kind, You is smart, You is High Net Worth

As we think about marketing opportunities in the investor world, this is a pretty big – and largely overlooked – one: Take aways: $30 trillion in the next 3 or 4 decades will be passed from one generation to the next. And advisors usually lose the majority of the accounts as money flows from one generation […]

Crowdsourcing has come to the investment world

I have to admit it, I’ve got a soft spot for First Asset’s newest ETF: the DEX 1-5 year Laddered Government Strip Bond ETF (ain’t that a mouthful). To be honest, I haven’t slightest interest in it from a financial point of view, but I’m fascinated by how it came to be: a public, crowdsourced […]

The most important pattern investors need to watch for

Carl Richards is someone I admire – someone who has brought wise behavioural coaching to individual investors under the guise of money management. His latest article in the New York Times belittles technical indicators a little too much for my liking, but his core point is spot on: Oddly enough, the only pattern that will […]

The Problem with Fee-for-Service Investment Advisors

Ok, there’s no problem with fee-for-service advisors. It’s kind of noble, a journeyman’s approach to the business. And it’s the right fit… for a minority of clients. The real issue is that there is a lot of talk about investment advisors, and whether the common reward structure – commissions, including trailing fees, offered at different […]